Another Metal gear game.....nah its just an special addition type hahahah
This newly remastered version has some neat things added such as a larger story plot such as for example added scenes and other stuff that wasn't in part 3. Such as seeing characters in different areas and also funny or weird things when you do different stuff. You will see what i mean when you play the game.
The game also has a special disc added which contains online play. YA YOU HEARD ME!!! ONLINE GAMEPLAY. The online is fun and makes you come back for more. Having a range of games mods from deathmatch to capture something to trying to kill snake which is another player. Ha 8 vs 1 doesn't seem fair....for the enemy of course. Also microphone works so you can talk to your teammates on attacks and other things besides the game.
Online gives you a range of weapons and sides to be from ocelots unit to the normal soliders to just plain old snake. The game also adds a new ending giving the story of what really happened after the cold war.....also stay for the credits because you will get something....interesting.
There also is some features such as a monkey mode which has snake trying to get monkeys HA too funny for words. The monkeys are from ape escape ya that classic game and has snake making funny radio comments to his commander when you start it. Also watch the movies because they are pretty funny thanks to our Konami friends they made some funny movies to make us smile nothing to spoil from the movies but still play the game first before watching so you get the jokes.
Overall this addon or speical disk game what ever thing has made me enjoyed every second and every cent i put into it.So metal gear fans get it and those that love spy/shooter/having weird story plots/monkey/online play/killing someone then pick it up over all great game and should not be a disappointment to those that buy it.