PS2's Halo.

User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence (First Print Limited Edition) PS2
First of all this review comes with a little bias. I love MGS. So that said here is my review. This game is the best PS2 game ever. PC has Half Life 2, X-Box has Halo 1-2, and PS2 has MGS 1-3.5. This game doesn’t have a flaw a real credible flaw. It has the best graphics for any PS2 game, the story is the best of any video game, controls are fluid and simplistic, AI is real life (is smart but also makes mistakes like real humans), boss fights are some of the best out of any game, the sound is amazing, online is clean and addicting, and the humor is real a nice compliment to the very serious story. ! Its $30-40 ! Every little detail is thought through; how the grass moves, foot prints, vision, feeling, sound, recoil, the only thing that stops this from being a jungle splinter cell is the humor which makes the whole experience more relaxing. The story is really worthy of a movie or a book. You do not forget it. The cinematic part of the game also breaks up the sneaking and shooting quite nicely. For the online play if you are a seasoned veteran of online then you will find little flaws. But with all do respect it doesn’t take away from the experience. It is a lot harder than you may think but yet is strangely addicting. If you get the special edition you will receive a movie of the entire series. Which I must say is nice to sit back and watch. The only thing that could have made it better was real actors. For my final statement this game is an equal to Halo. It is a game that everyone who owns a PS2 should buy and keep for as long as video games exist.