This is a chalenging game. You need to have good stratigy to play it.
User Rating: 9.1 | Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater PS2
hello!! This is the Asswarrior again comming in for a huge review. Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater. Now first of all I would like to say that I am very new to this series. I got it as a birthday present and so far I am enjoying it a lot. One aspect of the game that I like is the fact that this is a stealth mission wich is repeated like 50 billion times in the game. on a serious note, the game is very very fun, it has that feel where you are so close to the enemy but you are camoflaged so well that he cant see you and if you make one wrong move BAAM!! The whole game just erupts witch guns and shooting and its like a whole friggin war! So that aspect of it I am not good at all but there are a lot of things that I am good at that game and that is the boss battles. The boss battles are awsome and action packed! They are very well put together and even though I usually hate boss battles I actualy like them in this game. plus when you when it feels so damn satisfying. This one time I was playing and then the enemy was pretty much in front of me but he is so damn blind. suddenly a stewped fly coms on my hand ( real life not in game) and causes e to drop the controller and to my luck it lands on the analog stick wich makes the guy in the game move forward so the enemy sees me and before i can say: God damn stewped ass mother f#c%n FLY!! i died... anyway back to te review, this is a very good game tha is basically in my opinion very fun just one problem the cut sees are so damn long in the beginning. I mean your basically watching more than playing. but later in the game that stopps and you are finally back in controll!
This game is well worth the 30 bucks go and buy it.