MGS3 brings up a fresh and new experience, it is a great games that is just waiting to be played.
User Rating: 9.7 | Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater PS2
MGS3 has everything you can ask for. From using different types of weapons ranging from rifles to pistols, RPGs and the combat knife. This game defines espionage and its dramatic storyline really adds to the experience. In MGS4 you play as Solid Snake's this takes you back to the origin. Usually games with long stories don't turn out to be so good but MGS3 pulls through. The story has some comedy in it but mostly it’s filled with dramatic scenes. It’s filled with lots of twists and turns. This is the first game that I have played that has a great story and game play all put into one. When you bet the game once and play it again the cut scenes never get old, its fresh and entertaining every time. This is ultimate espionage experience.