MGS 3 have to get played! It is an awesome game. That is great fun! Its a good game experience.
MGS 3 is an stunning game! Its an action adventure sneaking game. The graphics really pushes the PS2 to the limit. You really get a sense of that you are in this big and dangerous forest. The sound design is great to. Because you can hear everything that is around, you can hear a snake crawling around in the leafs. It can start a little bit slow. But ones you first are in it, its just become a great game. The story is marvelous! One of the best story in a very long time, when it comes to a game. The game play is awesome. There are lots of things you can do. You can hang down a tree and shoot your enemy, throw a poison snake after an enemy I mean just a lot of creative things. The controls can be a little bit hard in the start, but it wont be long before you get the hang of it.
The game has an cinematic feel. An at the same time you really feel like that you are there. And you kind of like feel panic when you get spotted by an enemy. Which is not very often in a game. The boss fights are really excellent made as well.
All in one it makes for an really good game experience.