Overrated-now hand me splinter cell!

User Rating: 7 | Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater PS2
I could say I am one of those people that just doesn't like the MGS series-however, that would be a lie. I liked the first one and I thought the second one was okay. So why don't I like this one? well, it's simply not very good. I can hear Kojima fanboys spitting out their coffee this very minute, but I am going to stand my ground. The stealth system is poor when compared to other stealth games out there-take Splinter Cell, for instance. Splinter Cell is how stealth games should really be done. You wouldn't catch Sam Fisher barrell rolling into enemies. But in Snake Eater, you can go through whole levels just by doing this. Sure, the boss fights are good, but they really don't make up for a game full of shoddiness. The camouflage system works well, even though sometimes it is a little over the top-even if my camouflage metre is 80% Guards should be able to see me when they are staring directly at me! Speaking of guards, I heard that their AI would be improved for this game. Well, I'm still waiting. For me this game was a huge disappointment. What could have been a new step forward seems to have been a huge step back. I bet you all my money that for Metal Gear Solid 4, Kojima will have moved Snake back into those tight corridors that we know and love.