The mighty jungle

User Rating: 9.4 | Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater PS2
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater finally revives the series since the MGS2 Raiden switch. The storyline actually makes since and is on par with MGS on the playstation. The games introduces a new element wich makes Snake have to hunt and kill animals to survive in the mighty jungle, a new stanima bar wich is thier for Snakes new close quaters combat or CQC moves makes the rolls and cartwheels of the prior look wimpy and is also thier for you to dig out bullets and take poisen out of you system, and also a new campflaouge system which can be tideous for multple terraned area in the game. This game fills in some of the blanks of the last installment and is a great prequeal in the series. Cut sences are well done and will change with different camo's and face paint on. The sounds of birds and other animals give the game a surreal feeling and can also make for a more realalistic senarios such as with fighting The End. IF you thought the other MGS games were slow try playing this one sence Snake no longer has any radar to see any nearby enemies, but instead must use a varioty of devices to find enemy location.The game also has some wrongs with such as with the camera and some control issues but other than that the game is astonashing to see and play.