I simply loved it
Stunning graphics, amazing sounds, incredibly well packed content, surprisingly good story and memorable boss battles.
This game is highly addictive, so behave.
Big Boss Rocks! The Cobra unit rocks! Volgin is gay! the shagohod sucks!(except for the boss battle)
What I enjoyed most of this game is the camos, and the boss battles.... my favorite was THE FEAR.
It is a little difficult to get used to the controls, but if you are a MGS2 player,like me, it should be piece of cake.
If you had trouble gettin the stealth camo then you have to try harder, because it is worth it... I got the stealth camo and it is fun to play with the dumb soldiers lol.
This game is one of the best... and definetly the BEST SERIES AND THE BEST STORY.