Nearly flawless
The game takes place in the past, so you learn a lot about Snake's history. The story is unfolded through cutscenes that always seem to come at just the right moment, and have some interaction in them, such as looking through binoculars to see what Snake sees and receiving the wounds he is given during the scene.
The game is classic Metal Gear goodness, but it is not without innovation. The name of the game this time is survival. You will need food, and you will need medicine if you want to survive a war. You can catch all the food you need, and Snake can actually grow a taste for items interestingly enough. The "cure" system works well, however it is a little unrealistic ... pausing in the middle of a fight to allow you to heal yourself of your wounds. Perhaps in the future this feature can stay but have healing work in realtime, we can dream.
All in all, this is a solid title and it should be picked up by any ps2 owners out there.