Great, enough said!
The gameplay is what you would expect from an MGS game with two or three extra features that you probably won't really notice. But, it stays fun through out.
The graphics look more like MGS2 and don't show much improvement. The only difference is that you're in a jungle, not a corridor. Still, that's no reason to not tweak the graphics just a smiggest (especially with the lips when the characters talk).
The story take you into Snake's (Big Boss actually) first (and second) sneaking mission. You have to rescue a scientist named Sokolov (who I think is better of death actually). However, things get more complicated than a simple rescue (what a surprise). But that's as far as I'm going (get the game).
Overall, I was amused, entertained, and impressed despite my problem with the graphics. Now, I'm a big MGS fan, so that of itself influenced this review. This is only suggested to other fan of the series, or stealth game vets. If you don't like this kind of game, don't bother. But, I feel sorry for you, 'cause you don't know what you're missing, son.