What an amazing game.
Metal Gear Solid 3:snake eater continues on with this trend and the result is a brilliant game.
The game takes the story back to the Sagas origins as players now control Naked Snake, a CIA agent who replicates Solid snake exactly in almost every way.
Naked Snake must infiltrate an enemy base deep in the hot jungles in order to rescue a scientist being held captive by terrorists but of course we all know the plot wont work out that way, after all this is Metal Gear we are talking about. One of the biggest changes to this game in the series is the area Snake explores.
Previous games in the series had the main character explore hi-tech futuristic facilities complete with security cameras, electric floorboards and all sorts of things to try and slow down the player. In this game Snake must use various camouflage’s to hide from the enemies patrolling the area. This adds a whole new depth of strategy to the game and makes the game play far more intense than previous games. A new inclusion in this game is the task of hunting for food. In the jungle there are very little rations and these are only ever carried by the patrolling guards. To be able to perform all the stealth tasks needed, snake needs to hunt for food him self. This can be anything such as snakes, frogs, mushrooms, birds or even a crocodile if necessary.
Snake must also heal his wounds as there are a lot of dangers in the jungle. There are a lot of wounds that snake can have inflicted upon him such as broken bones, cuts, burns and poisoning from all the creatures in the jungle.
The Graphics of MGS 3 simply amazing. There has never been a game on the PS2 which has a jungle which looks as beautiful as this does.
The sound of MGS 3 is astounding just like MGS 2 before it as it has Harry Gregson-Williams, a Hollywood music producer writing the score for this game.
MGS 3 has without a doubt one of the most bizarre and interesting cast of characters ever seen in a game and many of them will certainly amaze you as well as having some truly amazing boss fights.
To summarise, Metal Gear Solid 3 is definitely a game worthy of what the series has come to except so far and it is definitely recommended to anyone who owns a Play station 2.