Never to be outdone !! Wow, now the interresting thing to see will be how do you top this game !!!!!
User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence (First Print Limited Edition) PS2
In my humble opinion, which dates back to over 36 years of gaming on every possible platform from atari to pc (I cannot wait for Nov. ps3) this game has outdone all games and would not surprize me if it continues to do just that. >How do top perfection ????? This is a tough act to follow, and MGS4 will really have to be spectacular to do that this is just what I would expect from Kojima, I have never had so much fun and finished the game so many different ways than Subsistence. My hats off to you from the pr people to the developers to the marketers you outdid yourselves. The bar in the gaming world has just been raised a little bit higher!!!!!