This is the BEST Metal Gear Solid Game so far.....................
User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence (First Print Limited Edition) PS2
I love this game. If you like the other Metal Gear SOlid (MGS) Games you would love this game. Thank god Raiden isn't in this game. You play as Jack(Naked Snake) in the game. At first I thought it would be just like MGS3 SNake Eater just with a few extras but I was wrong. Online is soooo fun and you get to play as Sokolov, that Raiden looking guy, Ocelot, and Snake.The graphics are pretty good too. Also there are these funny bonus movies. One is called Metal Gear Raiden: Snake Earaser and he tries to kill Naked Snake. One thing that sucks for me is my connection isn't very good so online it messes up alot. Overall this is one of my favorite games EVER.