Going back to the time of Big Boss, Metal Gear Solid 3 packs quite a large punch to newcomers and fans of the series!
User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater PS2
OK, first of all, I'm a huge fan of Metal Gear Solid. I love all of the games and have beaten all of them at least 3 times. This game is so great, even people who have never even heard of Metal Gear Solid before, will love this. They won't understand the story at all, the gameplay will probably be new, but anybody can love this game. It's just flat-out awesome! This game takes you down to the depths of Big Boss' past and will reveal everything that happened at the start of the Cold War. Assigned to rescue a Russian scientist named Sokolov, he finds out that the Russian scientist was forced to build a nuclear missile launcher capable of moving among any type of terrain, The Shagohod. Snake's rescue mission turns into something much bigger when he encounters his trainer, The Boss, mother of Ocelot. She tells Snake that she is defecting to the Soviet Union and will no longer be working with the U.S.. She then tries to kill Snake by breaking his arm and throwing him off of a bridge that is hundreds of yards high. Snake barely survives and is rescued. Once Snake fully recovers, Operation Snake Eater is initiated. He is to go and attempt to rescue Sokolov again, and if necessary, kill The Boss. Snake is troubled by his mission objectives, because he doesn't know if he can kill the person who basically raised him and taught him all of his fighting techniques. Along the way, Snake will encounter enemies like Ocelot and his men, along with the Cobra Squad, who are under Volgin's command.
This game has possibly one of the best storylines, fun gameplay, an immense length, and a game that will make you want to buy the other ones and play them over and over again. There's nothing much to say other than that this game is possibly the greatest PS2 game ever made.