f ing awsome game great online play

User Rating: 8.8 | Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence (First Print Limited Edition) PS2
I have always played MGS it is the sole reason that i will buy the ps3, and this one was no disappointment, love the online play and still **** awesome graphics. by far one of the best looking ps2 games to date. the games play had almost no change but still liked it,alot. the extras are as crazy as they were in MGS2 substance...and just as hard. very cool how you can chose who you want to play with on line snake is the best. the sounbd as always was breath taking and always made your speakers shake a full volume. this game has filled all the holes the last one left and mad it a perfect addition to anyones MGS collection. the game by far has changed alot from the first instalment and all for the best, cant wait for MGS4 and the ps3is gona kick microsofts a** when it comes to graphics, sound, and overall games.