Kojima did it again!!!!!!!

User Rating: 9 | Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater PS2
MSG3: Snake Eater is the third game in the MSG series and this does not disappoint. It says 3, but it actually takes place in the 1960's. If you beat the game, you will understand why. I will go thru the attribute that i think that are important.

Gameplay: The controls are hard to get at the start of the game. For example, lets say you are trying to hold up a dude. When you're walking up slowly behind him, it say seem that you are kinda far away from the guy, but he just suddenly turns around and alert goes on. It maybe just me, but that really bothered me. Camouflage is awesome! You choose which type of camo you want then in the upper right, there is a camo counter to tell you how well your are blending with your surroundings. Even if there is no radar to help you, once you're playing, it seems like radar is there helping you out.
In the game, you will have to feed yourself to keep your stanmia up. You can either kill animals for put them to sleep if there small enough. But the food will go bad if you don’t eat it and leave it there, so be carful of how long you keep food. A new gameplay is curing yourself. You can heal cuts and gunshots and other injuries be going to the cure menu, but that type of thing needs suplies, which if you dont get hurt, you wont run out.

Sound: The game sounds make it seem like you are really in the jungle. If you have Surround Sound or an HD TV, you will get the full power of the game, sound wise. If not, the game still sounds amazing! Nuff said, next!!

Story: Kojima is a master and storytelling. The game's story takes place before MSG1 so expect the stoty to be a little tiring at first if you have played previous MSG games. The story goes get off to a very slow start, but when it does, you will know. The plot gets sooo many twists and turns but its easy to follow the plot without getting lost............... well maybe.

SO in conclusion, if MSG3 took the same gameplay from MSG 1 or 2 (Not the radar duh!) it could have got a perfect 10/10. But it didn’t so I give the game a, 9/10 and thank you for reading my review.