Metal Gear Solid 3 combines all the great action from its predecessors with new strategy, location, and gameplay.

User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater PS2
Maybe it was the setting: the Cold War era, one of my favorite historical events to learn about. Or perhaps the concept of a sneaking mission appealed to me. Overall, I loved every bit of it.

When it came to gameplay, this game took some getting used to. The first half hour to and hour of the game was extremely challenging, but it got me used to the controls even more. The pressure based controls made the game even more precise. My favorite aspect was the CQC or close quarters combat. Rather than shooting an enemy with a tranquilizer gun, I enjoyed running up to him and slamming him to the ground. Boss fights weren't as bad as I expected them to be. They were really enjoyable and got your brain thinking in a different way than the regular gameplay. To hide from enemies, different camouflages could be worn based on the surroundings. The higher the percentage in the top right, the better the camo worked. This concept isn't included in any of the previous games, which I makes this even better than its predecessors.

The most intricate and fascinating part of the game was the storyline. Hands down. Like all the other games, the story was deep and really hit you in the right places. I won't reveal any of the plot, as it is fun to find out by playing the game. I will say that the story will definitely blow you out of the water.

Finally, we come to the graphics. As for a PS2 game, the graphics were more than great. Since the game was produced near the beginning of the PS3 release, the graphics were at their best for the PS2. The cutscenes were spectacular, especially because of these intense graphics on the landscape and character facial expressions. Most of the game took place within the jungle of Russia, and the game looked pretty impressive not to say the least.

In all, I would highly recommend this game to people who like to take time to learn the concept of a game, rather than jumping right into it (much like FPS games). Most people wouldn't say this is a good first MGS game, but it was for me. If you don't want to play this first, try MGS 2.