I got it recently and I am in love with the game. 10 is the max score but it deserves much much more
Well firstly graphics are amazing and actually there is not much to say about it. It is just great. Secondly the long movies that you watch during the game really gives an amazing cinematic experience which I enjoyed a lot. As I said I have no past experience with MGS so everything is new for me but I understood some stuff as I played the game and although you may miss some points you still get a general idea of the story even if u havent played MGS before.
When you play the game you see that you have like un limited options in combat which allows you to enjoy the game in the way you want. You can go stealthy almost all the time or u can engage in combat with a very wide selection of weapons. The details of the game are just amazing like smoking to restore psyche, weapon modifications, fake death position, items you use and ofc Mk. II which was lovely. Camo suit was really really amazing when imitating the ground that you lie on. It was so realistic and so cool.
Although I prefer to play the games with max difficulty as I never played TPS on PS3(if you dont count infamous) this was my first TPS on PS so I have chosen third difficulty level out of 4( guess there were 4 levels if im not wrong if there were 5 levels then I had chosen 4th cant remember) and can say that the game was not that hard overall. Well actually it makes sense because you are basically playing as a legendary soldier so ordinary soldiers against you should not stand a chance so difficulty level was not disturbing although it was not so much challenging but I will have a more healthy opinion after I try the last level of difficulty which I certainly will.
The game definitely allows you to play it again because as I said you have many many options to complete a mission so you wont get bored while doing the same quests in a different way.
Metal Gear Solid 4 is no doubt one of the best games I have ever played and c certainly is the best Action Advanture. I dont regret that I didnt buy it earlier because if I did so I would have finished it 2-3 times already and probably wouldnt be thinking about it anymore but at the moment I am still under the effect of it which is something cool. It certainly worths every penny u spent for it. If you like modern action adventure you most certainly will love MGS 4