Simply the most enjoyable game i have ever played :D

User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Platinum) PS3
Ok im going to keep this short and sweet. MGS4 takes the biscuit. The game-play is true to the series while also introducing several new elements.The cinematics are unreal and blend seamlessly with the action.Fans of the series meet many old characters and this game offers a fitting conclusion to what has been a revolutionary sage.The graphics are crisp and well detailed and do not differ completely from the cut-scenes.The game also has the quirky humor that exists in all MGS games. For example the statue at the start (You have to see this!).The camo system is nice and once u beat the first boss your camo will improve slightly. The diversnesss of the game-play will appeal to many gamers and this is simply a must-have game! Get MGS4 now !!! Because this game really makes use of the blu-ray capabalities of the PS3.
Thanks for reading,