Beutiful graphics ,Great character development , intense gameplay ,etc Snakes last misions is surely his best!
After i completed mgs3 I thought to myself, "that has to be my favourite game ever .How can they follow it up."
Well they did and let me say MGS4 takes the cake as my all time favourite game!
You start off with snakes spewing his usual metaphor, and the cutscene looks cg im serious it looks absoluteley stunning, well anyway your fighting along side what remains of the civilians of I think the middle east.
It gets pretty heated when the gekkos show up (Prob my favourite mgs enemies) and your left pretty hopless with no choice but to run.
But this is the borring part of mgs4 compared to what happens later on in this epic and I cant say either!
The controls are considerably different then any of the other mgs games and it may take even seasoned veterans such a while to get used to R1 being punch.However something you will love is the octocamo suit.Now this thing saved my ass idk how many times while playingand its so much easier then going into the menu and changing you whole outfit just because you moved from a rock to a bush.
Another thing thats great is the fact that every gun is fair game!
I remeber mgs2's excuse was that the soldiers guns had id tags...?!
Well mgs4 has that same excuse and i thought "hmm i geuss they scrapped they pick up any gun idead.
But enter Drebin , a weapons launderer he takes the guns you find with id tags and...maks them not have id tags!
This is a great idea because not only does he sell you guns but he sells the ammo too.ANY TIME just open up the menu!
The cqc is still very handy in this game like i was in mgs3 and it seems pretty deep to me because i havent even figured out all the moves and ive beaten the game 3 times!
The aiming i also like better , the over the shoulder sorta GRAW type, although i had to change the aiming speed all the way up to ten just to hit those damn frogs!
The story in this game really does rap up all the loose ends even posed in portable ops and it made me sad by the end because I truly do believe that this is Snakes last mission. I mean I knew that the whole time through the game but when I was viewing the credits , when the song played in the background , when the screen went dark and Metal Gar Solid 4 :Guns of the Patriots came up on the screen. Thats when I knew it was finally over.
I cant lie either I felt pretty sad when it happened and its too rare these days to find a game that can ta that emotion.
The bottom line is that this game is nothin short of shear perfection for mgs fans you will love it the whole way threw when ever Snake coughs you will feel his pain (especially in that one special corridor) and by the end of the game you will feel triumphant.
Snakes last stand is surely his greatest...