Perfect end to an epic story.

User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Platinum) PS3
Metal Gear Solid 4 takes place in the near future of 2014 where the global economy is based around war. You are the legendary war hero on his last mission to save the world from his enemy Liquid Ocelot. The game takes you through five beautiful and non linear environments all over the world.
Metal Gear Solid 4 brings back a lot of old game mechanics while also introducing new mechanics. You will once again find yourself hiding in the in plain sight with a new and high tech suit called Octocamo. Octocamo allows you to hide anywhere you want without being spotted allowing you to get much closer to the enemy without being seen. You can still hold up enemies and this time around you can search them and find multiple items that will be useful in the mission.
You will be given a wide array of weapons both lethal and non-lethal to aid you. These weapons range from tranquillizer guns to assault rifles and even a rail gun capable of destroying tanks in a single shot. You also have a variety of cqc attacks for when you are up close and personal with the enemy.
A new and fun feature in the game is the ability to fight in battles and aid rebels in the war against the PMCs. Doing so will increase your reputation with the militia or rebels who will in turn help you get through some sticky situations. Of course you could also use the distraction of battle to sneak past the enemy and out of the war zone.
You will be facing off against many enemy groups which are Praying Mantis, Raven seven and a few others. Each PMC group is controlled by one of the four PMC bosses known as the Beauty and The Beasts. They are Laughing Octopus, Raging Raven, Crying Wolf, and Screaming Mantis. There are also a few other bosses including Vamp and of course Liquid Ocelot.
Along side the soldiers you will also encounter the Gekko also known as Irvings. They are basically unmanned walking tanks. They are very strong, able to kill you in one hit if you get close. They are hard to kill and in most cases your safest option is to avoid them and run if they attack. You will also have to face Sliders, a pair of unmanned wings that go on bombing runs and swoop down low to try to hit you. Though these can be taken out with a few shots.
As for the story, just like the other games it could be described as epic. It is a fitting end to the incredible tale. The bad thing is that just like the other games it can take some thought to understand. The cut scenes are long and there are a lot of them but the visuals are amazing and you will find yourself watching them again and again.
The story will bring out all of your emotions. Suspense, anger, and even sadness. Of course there will always be people who can't understand the masterpiece and will fail to enjoy it and with that said I will admit that it is a game made for fans so people new to the franchise should definitely start with MGS1.
That's about it for the review so now it's time to cover the Goods and Bads.

GOODS-Beautiful visuals. Amazing story and cut scenes. Engaging game play and replay value that will keep you glued long after it's over. Wonderful voice acting and well thought out characters.

BADS-It ends...