Great Multiplayer, AMAZING SINGLE PLAYER 3rd, 1st person....what else can you get....not to mention RUMBLE!!!!
Lets get started: You the player is and will play Solid "Old" Snake through the whole game! no if's and's or but's, only snake! I will not spoil it for people who havent played the game yet. so this will not be too long of a review on my part. Lets just say If you want a Magnificent storyline and Astounding just had a idea going towards Metal Gear Solid 4, This is the kind of game that makes a player feel like they accomplished something in their lives that they didn't know what they had. (guys/gals know what i mean?)
This is the kind of game that will make a player Laugh, Mad, and maybe Cry (depending how into the story you are). the story is something you will have to find out on your own...... I can't say more.
Multiplayer...almost same mechanics you have during the story..except Octocamo, and Ninjas, you have the CQC, GUNS..LOTS OF GUNS!!...and not to mention custom characters...though a small fee to make another character...though thats not a bad thing. soo yeah.
If this helped out are very welcome i beat the game earlier at 10pm im proud.
if this didn't help...sorry if i didn't go into detail about the game like i said.....i won't spoil it.