Best game all time, and best graphics of all time
every one know that this game dont need to read a review o waitong some one to recomend you this game.
what i say that metal gear solid 4 is one of the best game of all time
best action and story best stealth, best of every thing.
the bad thing is that there is too much cut scenes more then ever, and the game is very easy i end it in extreme easily.
and the most great thing that you can have all kind of weapons more then what you think, all metal gear weapons are on this game all of them except the ak45
and offcurse this is the last metal of the series there is no more metal gear after this story, the story ending here, if there more metal gear it will be about the past like peace walker,
now about mgs online, its very cool but not the best online game, if you are very good in the story you can be good in the online, not like other games that you can be good in the campaign but not in online.
first you need to create a soldier make him as you want and you can make his voice like yours.
will after all i really recommend every one to buy metal gear solid.
if you dont buy metal gear solid 4 then why you buy PS3 !!!