Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots a great Movie!!!!!!!! (with a cool game inside)

User Rating: 9.5 | Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Platinum) PS3
Well, being a MGS fan from the beginning let me start by saying well done!! a very, very good game, However having said that, let me say this, Way too much movie time!! (I guess they had to use up all that blue ray disc space) all jokes aside the AI is great, challenging and well programmed, the graphics are superb!!! let me say it again, superb!!! I love the weapons selection and of course my favorite character would be drebin cool Idea however somewhat a spin off of the arms dealer in Resident Evil 4, collecting credits/cash buying and upgrading weapons, (does anyone know was he the first??)
the story line is very detailed almost too detailed, they could have accomplished the same thing with half the movie time. And the game could have been mush longer.
I am not overly impressed with the Boss fights, they are ok, Vamp was too easy, the puppeteer also, crying wolf was the most entertaining!! and the after defeat the death hugs were a nice touch. And the love from the wolfs after was sooo cool.
the ultimate battle with liquid was a nice touch as cqc is my favorite.
however the endless triangle buttons wore me out to get down the microwave corridor.
I will break some hearts with this but I think MGS SUBSISTENCE was a better game.
It was as I feared, how do top that!