I'm new to the series. I found this the best game I have ever played in my life!!!
I got this game wanting a good SP experience. Relitively new to the series but i knew the story well enough. Expecting a heavy and wordy game but I am patient enough to sit through and watch them.
Luckily, patience wasn't needed. GS were right! There are just too many points in this game that i went "Oh Snap!" and leapt from my seat. Not only do some scenes impress you for what actually happens, but the way it looks is unlike any game i've seen, and i've played Crysis prefusely (the so called graphical king).
Its also a great long game, and because its so good you want it to last ages. Just when you think it ends it brings you back in. It ends the series in the best possible way. As far as endings go this is my favourite of any game, movie or book telling a story.
If you are wondering why people like the game so much then buy it, seriously I was pessimistic before but the first ten minutes of the game just shut that little voice in my head right up. Amazing game I'd recommend to any gamer or casual gamer if they value their hobby.