Rarely does Gamespot give out a perfect "10," but this game deserves that score!

User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Platinum) PS3
All I can say is, "awesome!" I have followed the Metal Gear games for some time now (ever since 1998's Metal Gear Solid). This game is by far the best of the series. I will break down why this game is worth purchasing:
1) Graphics- Let's just start here first. This game is absolutely stunning! Please buy an HD TV to take advantage of all the visual goodness. From the the granite walls to the details on snake's costume, this game has the best graphics on PS3 despite Uncharted 2. There is so much detail in every corner of this game. No shortcuts were taken to make everything realistic. For example, Otacon's computer has an apple on the outside and the inside shows Macbook Pro. I mean every speaker, web cam, power button, usb ports, etc are in the exact place that a actual macbook has. The enviroments have beautiful flowing physics such as flowers and trees swaying back and forth. Snake's camo adapts to whatever he touches too. If he sits on a grill vent, his costume looks just like the vent. The personal physics are so real too. Women's breast jiggle when they jump, eyes, mouth, and facial expressions are flawless.
2) sound- The voices of each character is as blockbuster as any cartoon movie that hosts star-struck actors. These voice actors are so convincing as they portray their characters. Mouth movement to voice response is on point as well--no old japanese delay voiceovers. The music is all so fitting with the different plots in the story. They really are responsible for bringing the mood/tone to the gameplay.
3)Humor--there are so many humorous situations in this war-filled game that it is impossible to recall everything. To list a few, there's a character with and upset stomach that keeps farting and evidentually has an accident. You can tell when you see the back of his pants. Everyone in his group keeps pushing him away because he smells so bad. Another example is when Snake drops a cigarette on purpose to try to look up a woman's dress. Lots of sexual humor in this game flaunts women's cleavage and backsides.
4) story- This story is so compelling. Although there are cutscenes that you endure for close to an hour at times, you won't mind it as it gives you a break from gameplay as well as a mini movie episode each time for entertainment. The story has a twist and stick around after the end credits to see even more surprises. If you have been around since 1998, you'll love the throwback Shadow Moses level in the game along with some of its familiar jargons (you'll understand when get to those parts)
In closing, although I enjoy playing the video game, I can't help but feel like I'm also getting a movie out of this deal too. I look at MG4 as a double feature combined of gameplay and movie in one. Clearly, this game is the most bang for the buck. Although I bought mine for $20, if would have been well worth the original $60 others paid for theirs.
get this for your collection--you won't be sorry.