Few games have the power to make me complete them again and again. This is one of them. An epic end to the Solid series.
I don't have much experience with the Metal Gear Solid series (None with the original Metal Gear series), but I played Metal Gear Solid on Playstation when I was younger. I completed it several times for better times, secrets and other incentives. I tried Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3, but they didn't live up to the first of them. They had somehow changed it all. With Metal Gear Solid 4, it feels like they have realized what was missing. This is the true sequel to the first in the series, and it's also the fitting end.
The story begins with Solid Snake pretending to be a soldier to infiltrate a proxy warzone in a Middle Eastern city. Your mission is to defeat Liquid Ocelot; Revolver Ocelot with Solid's genetic twin's arm, Liquid Snake, attached to him, effectively turning him into Liquid. Due to his genetic code, Snake is getting old fast, and to boost he smokes a lot.
You meet his sidekick, Metal Gear Mk. 2 after a short while, and you are able to control it during the game. Soon after, you encounter Drebin, an arms dealer who strips ID guns from their DNA restrictions. You are able to buy guns, ammo and special items from him whenever you wish from this point on. The currency in-game is called Drebin points. You gain points by picking up weapons on the battlefield you already have acquired.
The game would be extremely difficult without OctoCamo, a suit that changes texture when in close proximity to walls, floors or anything big enough. The Mk. 2 is also capable of disappearing, but to a greater extent. It can turn completely transparent. The trusty and humorous cardboard box is back, and now you can also hide in a barrel. You have the aid of a visibility-percentage meter and a stealth circle that will expand when you are making noises or can be seen. It will also display any noises others make. You also have a presence circle around Solid, that raises itself when any enemies are close enough.
Several guns and devices are available to your disposal, to facilitate the style of gameplay you prefer. You are actually rewarded for the gameplay style you choose. If you want to be covert, run and gun, or never kill anyone the game gives you Drebin points, items and badges accordingly. Whatever style you choose, you will never feel cheated.
Characters from previous games make appearances, and they are all introduced properly. Since this game is supposed to wrap up Solid's story, there are few new characters.
Cutscenes can become long, but several interactive sequences in them make them worthwhile even on the second playthrough, like zooming and different angles. Just remember to watch out for symbols appearing on-screen.
There are several easter eggs in-game, and much of what is said and done has more meaning to it if you have played the other games in the series. (I got a big grin on my face when I saw the beginning of one of the later acts.)
There was one thing that bothered me a little with MGS4. When you finish an act, you are required to install a new portion of the game to continue. This occurs on every playthrough. Granted, they probably did it to minimize the install time at the beginning, but it gets a bit tiresome.
I enjoy games that take me a long time to complete. Metal Gear Solid 4 took me 18 hours to beat. This is quite a while, considering that this is not a sandbox game. That's not including several attempts (and some fails) at completing it at harder difficulties and other rules of engagement. It's one of the longest games I have played the last 5 years.
This is the game that should have been bundled with the Playstation 3 when it launched. I recommend buying it, even if you have little experience with Mr. Solid Snake.
Reviewers note:
I did not review the online portion of the game, because I have little experience with it.
This is my first ever review of a game. If this gets a lot of thumbs down, I'll never embark on such a mission again. I feel bad for all the professional reviewers, because this is hard work.