This game really is something truly special!
Metal Gear Solid 4 is the game that Sony fans have been waiting for. It blends gameplay, cinematics, and story PERFECTLY, i haven't seen a game as polished as this since the old N64 days.
Basically this game is the final of the Metal Gear Solid Quadrilogy, and pretty much puts all of our un-answered questions to a closure, through many incredible and dramatic events that take course throughout the game. Some sections of the gameplay are honestly spectacular, and have you literally putting your controller down to watch in amazement.
As you can see i'm trying not to give any spoilers away as you need to see them for yourself, but theres tonnes of new gameplay elements that invite a newer audience into the Metal Gear Solid adventure. This time, the gameplay is less stealth, but also incorporates a lot of action elements into it too, with the shooting mechanics being tweaked noticeably well, so the player can go through the game pretending that snake is Action Man, or go through the game in traditional Metal Gear Solid stealth fashion! There are points in the game that require you to do both though.
Visually, this is the best game i've ever seen. The scenery is outstanding throughout the various scenarios during the game, and it's just an absolute joy to look at. The character model's also look incredibly realistic, and also act realistically. The AI has been improved dramatically, but there's still some minor faults there.
Musically, this is on par with the Call Of Duty series. Playing the game you're constantly in the middle of drastic gunfights, with bullets and grenades being fired only feet away from you, and the sound definately gives you the feeling of you're in danger. The music score is also outstanding throughout the entire game, which completely draws the player into the game, and makes the game feel like a high budget blockbuster film.
There's not much more i can say to praise this game, i knew this game was gonna be amazing before i bought it, but damn this puts the expectations of gaming onto a hole new level! This game blows the previous Metal Gear Solid games out of the water, on top of pretty much every other game out there.