This game is just too good to be true.
Now then, lets get started.
Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots. (MGS4) Is the best stealth and action game. MGS series has lot of history and it have only being successfull.
Your going to notice that the game is so big or some other performance issues the game needs a few minutes loading time to pack the previus file and unpack the next one when new act begings but after that the game dosen't need any loading time, only when you get to new area withs loads the next area like in 4 seconds. It might sound a pain in the a** this unpack and pack loading but it's not, believe me.
Ok since I'm talked some crap let's go to the gameplay and other important stuff.
MGS4 storyline is just good. Hideo Kojima has made once again a perfect story full of drama, sorrow, joy, rage. As expected a lot of twists happends in the game.
Audio & Effects
Voice acting is solid as ever so no need to worry about anything on that end, there ain't nothing bad said about it. Effects, sutch as lightning and explosions are good but I'm not sure is it the best that game has to offer but I think it's perfect.
Simply GOOD. Charaters and the forest, citys, looks very good. MGS4 has more than good graphics and I haven't never noticed some thing what makes me stop and I have to really look closer to say: omg bad graphics, heck no MGS4 has best graphics what I've ever seen.
Easy to get hold of. There are some new things that Snake is going to able to do so I list some. Snake has three stances, 1.Stand. 2.Crouch (you can finally move in crouch position) and 3. Prone (you can crawl while prone)
Snake has some new CQC moves but all are familiar to the MGS3 so no big steps there.
While Snake holds up enemy (Snake: ''Freez !'') so the enemy stops and drops the weapon and puts his hands up. Now in this situation you can steal his main weapon ! Then you could do a body search, aproach from the front and press the action button and Snake does a body search and trys to find all items the soldier gots, but the whole body search time you need to press at certain times action button so Snake can take the item from the soldier.
There where some cool things, but much more is in the game and you have to discover them by your self.
Since the enemy guns is still ID locked you'll meet a good friend that can unlock your ID guns what you have found from the PMC enemys and finally able to use them. So you can actually use the enemy weapons and ammo.
MGS4 has a lot of weapons, I was very suprised the number of weapons that the game had.
There are lot of weapons like I said but all most every weapon can be customized. Example one, you take the trusty M4A1 Carbine and add a red dot sight to CQB situations and perhaps a RIS. Or you might put a little better scope for long range shots and put a grenande launcher under your rifle and much much more like tactical flashlight or lasersights, and some other parts.
Snake has to worry about his camouflage too, don't worry it's not as a big hustle like in MGS3 :) Your camo that is called ''octo-camo'' When you stay still about second or two your suit changes the apperance to the environment that your in to, so you'll have always the best possible camouflage.
You need to worry about your psyche gauge, this is like stamina but it lowers when you have high stress. Stress will come from hot or very cold plases or stress might get higher if your enemys are on to you.
MGO (Metal Gear Online)
There is so much to be talked about MGS4 and MGO but I try to keep this as short as it can be :)
This is a online gameplay (oh yeah, they finally did it !).
You make your custom charater and start playing, you level up in skills sutch as pistols,assault rifle, shotgun, submachine gun, blade, CQC and lot lot more. So you have many skills what you can level. Each skill can be leveled to stage 3 (master).
There are lot of maps and game modes and more is comming via updates (thanks for the KONAMI who is very active).
Belive me this game has playing value, I have played the offline story mode about 8 times what takes about 25 hours when you play it trough the first time, and the next time it might take only 20 hours or less. I have completed the game in 5 hours (a lot of rushing :) ) But offline playing is so much fun.
And not to mention the online gameplay (MGO) what offers a Metal Gear Online expirience, this is a game of the century and is worth every euro or dollar. I would be ready to buy this game again.
If you love action or stealth, this game is the best. OORAH! Thanks Hideo Kojima and thanks KONAMI.