Metal Gear Solid 4 was the final edition, Hideo Kojima deicded it was Snakes final mission.
Now thats out of the way i'll get started, MGS4 continues the story in the Metal Gear Solid series and is the last installment to feature Solid Snake, it is up to him to save the world from Liquid Snake and yeah, I don't have much to complain about with this game, it's superb in many ways and it will be a long time before I ever experience a game as good as this, it is definitley the best game I have played on my PS3 and will always remeber the first playthrough as one of my favorite moments in all of the time I have been gaming. Like I said, I don't have much to complain about the game, the gameplay is fun, challenging and easy to get used to. The story will keep you so intrested that you will forget about anything else you had planned for the day (providing you are a MGS4 fan). The graphics are some of the best on the PS3 aswell. Now as the majority of this game is near perfect I will now go onto what is wrong with the game.
1. The story is still a little difficult to follow at some points even for big time fans of the series like myself.
2. The game has to install inbetween every chapter.This one really annoyed me, I can't see why it has to do this everytime you play the act and it can really get annoying when you get really into the game and don't want to stop playing.
3. Getting onto Metal Gear Online is a joke, having to go through a different subscription service (Getting a Konami ID and Game ID) shouldn't be required and it personally put me off playing it. In all fairness MGO is a seperate game, the MGO that comes with MGS4 is merely a starter pack, as far as im aware MGO will be realeased seperately at some point.
And thats about it really, like I said, this is a game that should only appeal to the fans of the series. If your a new comer to the series I HIGHLY suggest that you start of with MGS1, the long cutscenes in MGS4 will come across as very boring and time consuming if you have no idea what is going on, learn about the history of the games story and they will keep you intrested.
Overall, MGS4 is a brilliant game and what I would call the PS3's best game, any Metal Gear Solid fan should pick this up, it is a great ending to Snakes Story and you owe it to yourself. Newcomers to the series beware, you will find the story confusing, difficult to follow and boring as you won't have any idea what the hell is going on.