Metal Gear Solid 4 is a very well put together cinematic experience. Cut-scenes may be lengthy. But they are EPIC!

User Rating: 9.5 | Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Platinum) PS3
I like to come out of the gate swinging by saying that this game is by far a different experience than most other games I have played. This game is always telling a story whether through gameplay, or cutscenes. It is definantly a first buy for anyone that is just now getting a ps3!!(that is if you played the old ones... or at least 2, with 2 and 4 you can get all of the main plot).

Previous to buying MGS4, I had only fully completed the 2nd edition to the series, so I was a little worries about what I might miss out on. Thankfully, after playing through the game, their wasn't much that I didn't understand, if any content at all (but I would have been completely lost if I hadn't beaten 2, so make sure you have at least played that one).

Lets look at the basic pros and cons for this game.

-The graphics in this game are superb. Hands down. The developers of this game really pay attention to detail. I thought the opening cutscene in this game looked amazing, but what impressed me even more is how the cutscene ended. Basically, it didn't end at all. The camera in the scene went behind Snake, then all of a sudden you are in control from a third person perspective.

-The gameplay in this game is great. After getting used to the shooting style and camera views, this game is pretty easy to play (thats not to say the game is easy... you will be faced with a challenge on the upper difficulties.)

-The story in the MGS series is so detailed that I cant even begin to explain it here on this review. Just play the game. You'll see what I mean.

-The sound is superb, even on my dinky SD TV.

-Even though the cutscenes look extremely nice, they do tend to get VERY long at times. Sometimes even boring long. Thankfully though, most of them are filled with action that will make you go :O.

-There isnt really much loading time during the game, except for inbetween chapters. During this time your ps3 system installs the next part of your game. It can take about 10 min max. But this prevents it from having loading screens every so often, instead it just loads a lot up in chunks. I however see it as more of a con.

-AI can be stupid, but I think the developers might have been going for this. they are known for making really stupid soldiers to kill. :P

I have to give it a 9.5 instead of agreeing with GameSpot's 10. The game is amazing. But it does have its Cons.