Metal Gear Solid 4 is the final chapter in the Solid Snake' saga and its sure one that you won't be able to forget....
Metal Gear Solid 4 tells a story where in a not too distant future, war will become the main economy business. It is set 5 years after the events of MGS2 and the main character, Snake, is old due to he suffers an accelerating aging. The game's plot is complex and it is full of epic and unforgettable moments, but although the game tries its best to address what happened in past games, you may be missing the point if you haven't played them. Also, if you are a gamer that likes games just to play them and not to follow a story, better get ready to skip a lot of cutscenes, and if you do like follow the story get ready to watch the longest cutscenes you have ever seen. The menus are simple and easy to navigate, and every option has its own explanation.
Technically and Graphically:
Visually the game is impressive and full of detail, its easy one of the best looking games on the PS3 and, despite most reviews tells it has framerate issues, I haven't suffered any during all my playthroughs even in shootouts. Also, the game supports full 1080p.
The voice acting here is top notch, everybody here does a great job specially Hayter. The soundtrack is phenomenal, every single track is in the right place, and sound effects are at the best quality.
The gameplay is based on previous games but it has been expanded. The first noticeably addition is the introduction of the octocamo, an octopus-based suit that can mimic the color and texture of the environment it makes contact with, allowing Snake to sneak unseen into the battlefield, this is a clear evolution of MGS3's camouflage system. Another addition to the gameplay are the psychological factors that determinate the soldiers performance into the battlefield, this is applied on Snake, as well as in enemies, Snake has another gauge below the life gauge that is called Psyche gauge. This meter represents Snake's mental health, if this meter stats to decrease, Snake's performance will get worse, with inaccurate aiming or dull melee combat. You can refill this gauge by listening music or eating something. There are plenty of new weapons, much more than in the past games and new cool gadgets, such as the Solid Eye, an electronic device that resembles an eye patch that has three modes of view, one that shows information of enemies such as life gauge, psyche gauge and mood, other has night vision and the other has binoculars. Another cool gadget is the Metal Gear Mk II, a mini Metal Gear that can pass unseen thanks to stealth camo and can be helpful in certain areas.
The best thing about MGS4's gameplay is that gives you the freedom to play it the way you want. You can play as a silent assassin or jump into the battlefield in the middle of the shootout, or my favorite, playing pacifist, sneaking around with non-lethal weapons without killing anyone, the choice is yours.
MGS4 Is a fantastic game, an unforgettable experience for fans and an interesting one for newcomers. It has a lot of replay value if you want to get all the weapons, discovers all easter eggs and now, sadly the multiplayer has been cutted off, but there is trophy here there is another excuse to keep playing MGS4 for a couple of time.
Hope this information being helpful for you, and sorry if I missed something. This is my first review.