One of the most exciting and fun games to play and the best the PS3 has to offer. Superb gameplay and gripping story.
User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Platinum) PS3
Liquid Ocelot is planning an insurrection and Snake's final mission is to kill Liquid. Snake is aging rapidly due to him being a clone. Right off the bat the action is interesting with cinematics perfectly placed in real time with no load times. It is fun to sneak and kill as well as openly shooting everyone. The environments are breathtakingly beautiful filled with details. AI is intelligent and there is a wide variety of customizations and weapons including RPGs, Aks, Sniper Rifles, and others. Snake has a new way to hide using the Octocameo, Face Cameo, and drums. Classic ways to hide include using boxes. He wears a suit that allows him to blend into his environment. CQC has been greatly improved. The controls take just a short time to get used to. Characters from old games return including Meyrl, Otacon, and Colonel Cambell. This is the best game the PS3 has to offer and is one of the greatest games of all time.