The long awaited conclusion to the greatest stealth shooter series of all time.

User Rating: 9.5 | Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Platinum) PS3
Kojima has blessed us again with easily his greatest work, MGS4. Not only does it provide a well deserved ending to the adventures of Solid Snake, it delivers one of the most visualy gripping and responsive shooters of its time. Not to mention a stellar musical score, and realistic sound effects, its a true tour de force. From the moment you start to the moment you reach the end you will have had an experience like nothing you have had before, there is nothing quite like the masterful delivery of the end chapter in the life of Solid Snake. Kojima has out done himself again. The controls are now so tight and responsive you will forget the clunkiness of the past. The attention to detail is superperb. Nothing was spared in the making of this game. Kojima gave it his all and gave us the climax we have been waiting for. Kojima also pulled of one of the greatest character turn arounds in history. Raiden, the name alone used to strike shame and disgust in the annals of MGS history. That pathetic loser from MGS2 makes a triumphal and glorious return as a Bad Ass cyborg Ninja, Raiden now fills the shoes Kojima intended him to ware all those years ago. Easily one of the best games on the console, yet it is one of the greatest of them all. If you own a PS3 this should already be in your collection. This is one of the many reasons Sony is still on the big stage. This is a must buy. No collection is complete without it.