what else would you expect from Metal Gear Solid?

User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Platinum) PS3
MGS4 demonstrate the true power of the PS3 console with great graphics.obviously hard core fans will be more than pleased for a while with this 4th installment,however part of its greatness of this franchise still comes form the storyline. the varying locations makes it interesting and finally Snake`s story comes to an end in the best way it could have done. Konami`s popular game keeps fascinating people; the characters, the weapons, the missions, the charismatic Solid Snake and his dangerous brother as also his nemesis (Revolver Ocelot-Liquid Ocelot in MGS4), war themes involving gene therapy and altered dna soldiers, conspiracy and top secret ops etc.
in contrast with other skilled games, this one have been evolving since the first game and keeping its attributes which makes it this big...in conclusion just something like this could have come from MGS...