The final epic installment of Solid Snake's story is easily one of the greatest game this generation.
The story pulls all loose ends together and ties them tightly. All questions are answered and die hard fans will be absolutely pleased. The MGS series has finally evolved giving us brand new gameplay mechanics like Octocamo, customizable weapons,full 3-D camera and the great boss battles and stealthy gameplay we love.
This is with out a doubt the most ultimate MGS experience and fans and newcomers alike should be prepared to be blown away. The graphics are gorgeous and is easily one of the most beautiful games this gen with the exception of a few off textures but overall the games looks and art design are outstanding. You'll find your self in many different gorgeous locals.
But the game isnt with out some faults, some cutscenes can get pretty long and if you breeze through the game you may find more cutscenes than gameplay which is actually a first for the MGS franchise. But if you take your time and enjoy it you will find the cutscene length and gameplay are almost even.
Don't fret, there is also an ever expanding 16 player online which fans will enjoy although it has a frustrating registration process which seems almost unnecessary when your PSN names should have been used for the online portion of the game. The online has a huge range of gametypes.
Overall the games single player blows out any problems the game may have with a gripping story, amazing voice acting, and addicting gameplay. Newcomers and fans alike will all find something to love in this satisfying end to Solid Snakes story. This is the PS3 killer app we all have waited for.