One of if not the best game ever made. Absolute genius.

User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Platinum) PS3
Metal Gear Solid 4 is one of the best games i have ever played. I never thought zelda would fail to forever be my favorite game. but i was wrong. mgs4 raises the bar for all other games in every aspect. Story, Gameplay, graphics, sound. and even how players watch cutscenes. ive been hearing alot of complaince about how long the cutscenes are. its true there are long but they are also interactive. throughout them you can tap x for flashbacks or L1 to look through snakes eyes. there are even parts where you can take control of a little gaget called the mark 2 while the cutscenes are going on and explore the enviroment. still if you absolutely cant handle cutscenes then just hit the start button and skip them. but if you do that you will be missing out on a bit. even without the cutscenes this games still deserves a 10. if you like good games then you'll love this game cause its most likely the best game ever made.