Whether or not you are a fan of the series..... BUY THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As with all MGS games, the emphasis is on stealth and unlike it's predecessors, you can actually go through the whole game without getting caught or killing someone. This is thanks to the PS3's controls and graphics. You can now properly take out enemies by hiding behind sandbags and using a sniper rifle. MGS has come a long way from having an overhead camera and just waiting for an enemy to look the other way then pop out and shoot him four times until he's dead.
The best feature of the game for me is the ability to customise and buy weapons. With 60+ weapons, you'll find lots of new ways to torture your enemies and play tricks on them. The Guns of the Patriots has unbelievable depth also as the game should take you at least 10-12 hours to clear on your first go, and you'll be wanting to play it a second time to get all those unlockables. Other new features include: Ocotocamo(camouflage that blends in with your surroundings), an iPod with MGS songs on it and last but not least, Metal Gear Online. A brilliant online feature which puts you against other players with the person with the most kills wins.
The only downside I can think of is the fact that I cleared the game twice in about 10 days because it is so good. All PS3 owners should buy.