One game that should be in everybody's game library even with its faults.
The controls in this game are somewhat fidgety as far as pulling out your gun and trying to aim. It feels like your being punished to shoot a gun. even though there is a fairly big variety of guns they all seem to do no more damage then the other, The sneaking felt very minimal but maybe that was my fault for being impatient. I my as well mention this now because this is the last bad thing I have to say about the game and that is the game play time felt less than the actual cinematic which is a shame and if not less than not enough as I wanted it to go on longer.
The good:
Even if the gun controls are a bit weak the rest of the game play is strong. sneaking around works decently well and you never seem to be doing one thing long enough to get bored. You end up going through many different environments and snake often reacts to the war scene enough that you don't feel like your playing a game. The two things that stand out most is the boss fights and the story. The boss fights to me always seem to be interesting in metal gear more so than hard. I wouldn't say the boss's are push overs as much as trying to figure out how to beat them, which is something i really like, you know using brain power.
The next thing is the story. This game's story is so good that it pretty much makes up for all the short comings in this game. You will not hear me say that often. After completing this game it can come off as an average game with a epic story line, and at the end of the day if that is what makes me enjoy the game the most then it has succeeded. However the game play isn't that average I guess it does change it up enough to keep it interesting its not epic its solid(no pun intended). The story is on par with some of the great movies I have watched and it makes you really care for each character and feel sorry for even the bad guys and just all around make you feel more distaste for war. by the end of the game there is no bad guys just a bunch of puppets and I guess its a story that doesn't need a game at all, but rather the game enhanced the story if you know what I mean? Maybe not.
So your probably wondering do I even like the game for its game play or did I just happen to get caught up in an epic story line. I say both. even if the story sucked I still would of enjoyed the interest boss's and the break up of different game play styles through out the game but it just wouldn't of been the same love that I have now. I could of bought this game brand new and been happy with the purchase and I might even go back for a second play through. This is a must buy for sure for anyone thinking of getting a ps3, and for the bargain price that its at now nobody should be passing it up.
One small thing out of the countless crappy endings I have endured in gaming history this is the best ending to a game ever. I am not saying that there isn't close calls but this game has the best ending IMO obviously ever.