fun to play, fun to shoot people, and fun to play dead. these are some very very few of the things you can to in MGS4.

User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Platinum) PS3
do i think it deserves to be the number one game of all time? absolutely. probably more then just the best of the best, but the infinite best for all time to come. am i over exaggerating? HELL NO. GREAT storyline, STUPENDOUS gameplay, and TERRIFIC features, this game is beyond a must. every gun feels just right, and the ability to customize your weapon is beast. the storyline is also REALLY good, but if you haven't played any of the other mgs's then you won't understand A THING. And to top it off, not only does MGS4 come with, well, MGS4... it also has a much more addictive and interactive, AND longer lasting Metal Gear ONLINE. yes that's right. Metal Gear Online. You create your own character from bottom up, then go out for war. you can get loads of weapons, and at the weapon-picking-menu you can still customize your weapon (you get three, main sub and thrown). anyways this game is great and if you like GTA, or shooting games of all kind, screw that ANY GAMER OUT THERE should, no no, HAS to play this game. p.s. it's coming out for the 360 soon :D