There's only one word that needs to be said that sums up this game perfectly: Spectacular.
Completely lovable characters and story
Amazing Graphics
Fun Gameplay
Very Funny
Lots of gadgets and weapons to use
CamoSuit matches almost every environmental detail
Highly Customizable
Set Pieces are awesome
The scale of the game is breathtaking
Cut scenes are long and never boring
Great Boss Battles
Different approaches to winning a battle
Story is highly original and keeps you guessing
Ends Perfectly
Starts off a little slow
Those who haven't play previous titles may get confused at parts
What does one think of when they here the phrase "The Greatest Game of All Time"?
Does one think of a game that gives them an amazing time in a completely mindless shooting experience?
Does one think of a game that looks amazing?
Does one think of a game that leaves them begging for more?
Does one think of a game that gives them the best playing experience of their life?
Whatever you may believe to be the standards of "The Greatest Game of All Time", I have a personal belief of what "The Greatest Game of All Time" actually is.
"The Greatest Game of All Time" is a game that completely draws you into the story, environments, and characters. A game that omits a feeling of "Are you ready for one of the best experiences in your life?". A game that has so much obvious effort put into that you can't help but call it the greatest game of all time. A game where you love all it throws at you from start to finish. A game, that redefines gaming as a whole.
And that is why, if someone ever asked what I believed to be the greatest game of all time, I would tell them Metal Gear Solid 4.
But lets get one thing out of the way, I can't say this is MY favorite game. Since this is the first Metal Gear game I have played, I got confused at certain parts and found it hard to follow at times. Thats why it starts off a little slow for me...........since I have to get acquainted with a whole lot of characters I have never experienced before, and because it does rely a lot on you already having played the other Metal Gear games.
To be honest, I almost gave up on the game.
At first, I found it too hard to get into everything and wondered if it was really worth it.
But thank goodness I decided to keep going; because I experienced a true masterpiece.
The graphics are amazing, the gameplay is amazing, and the story is perfect.
Even if you haven't played another Metal Gear game before, Hideo Kojima does an amazing job introducing you to the characters and their importance in the entire story. Thanks to a heavy dose of cut scenes and radio messages from Drebin and Otakon. Now that may sound a little annoying, but every story element brought to you through any aspect of the game, from cut scenes to messages to random people you experience in the game, is done phenomenally. You will never get bored of this story .
Every character has their own little back story to tell in the game; and when they all come together with their previous or current problems, they all find a way of becoming even better together with another character of problems.
Like Sunny and Naomi.............Sunny is a sheltered, shy, and a terrible cook. She has often times as to what her life means and who she may eventually become; and her only way, at first, is to look through the internet and research. Naomi has questionable motives in the game and seems very tense of what may happen to the world and everything around her next. But when Naomi meets Sunny.....the two just click.............they are one of the cutest pairing of characters I have ever seen. They work so well together, that you end up loving each of them even more. And you also find more about them in the end as well. Snake and Otakon are also a great pair. Snake being the rebel, and Otakon the sheltered genius who takes care of Sunny. While Otakon never truly gets into battle of war alongside Snake, he does control a special robot called the Mk. 2/ Mk. 3 that lends an important hand in Snake accomplishing his goal. Basically, Otakon is the motivational speaker and tech support of the pair. At first I didn't like Raiden, but the more we got into knowing who he was and what he was capable of made him a much better person throughout. At times though, his capabilities are laughably unrealistic. He gets trapped under a rock pile and must help Snake avoid being run over by a submarine (Since Snake has become too injured to move). Raiden ends up cutting off his own arm to help Snake.......and he runs to the submarine and holds it from moving by putting himself in front of it. Snake gets out of the way in time, but Raiden gets run over. Dead right? Well a little bit later Snake asks Otakon how Raiden's doing, to which he replies "He'll live, but he's not in fighting condition". This had me burst out laughing. How could someone survive cutting off his own arm and being run over by a sub? I know he's mostly robot but still..........This is another great part of the's very very very funny. Multiple references to the older titles and sexual/crude acts in the game make it one of the funniest in a while.
There are a lot of amazing elements in this game that work perfectly with each other. Every part, every bit of action, story, or character development feels so right....and so good......that it just leaves anyone who play the game breathless.
Outstanding visual design, character models, environmental details, etc. There were times in this game, I forgot I was playing a video game because of good it look and how in depth i got into every cut scene.
Gameplay: much fun. I had a little trouble at first, but once you choose the mode of action you want to take throughout the game, you become unstoppable.
Perfect. Music is amazing and voice acting is incredibly on target and well done. Realistic war effects and sound effects are also perfectly amazing.
Although I found it slow at first, in the end, everything came together perfectly. All loose ends were tied, and all needs of satisfaction were satisfied.
Replay Value:
Very High. Even though I was bummed that there were no trophies, after finishing the game, I realized it didn't need trophies. A game like this doesn't need something like that to bring you back for more. A game like this needs to be played over and over again just because of how amazing everything works together.
Final Verdict:
I can't say it's my favorite game of all time, but what I can say is that's its the greatest game of all time. From story, to gameplay, to replay value, to amazing sound effects, to everything in between, you will see how much effort was put into this game. Some of the most effort Ive ever seen in anything. I know not everyone will agree with my decision to grant this game "The Greatest Game of All Time"; but from everything else I've played in my whole life, this game shows the most effort, most immersion, and most pure amazement to be had. Lots of people have already called me out because I said Metal Gear Solid 4 is the greatest game of all time; some people have told me its actually Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, or Starcraft, or Left 4 Dead. But in this mind, with everything I have been presented, I feel completely satisfied calling it "The Greatest Game of All Time". Everyone needs to play this game. One way or another. It has something for everyone to enjoy, and that's what a spectacular game was meant to do. Please, do yourself a favor, play this game right now. For the love of all that is good in this world please play this game. We all need to support people who create games like this. Avoid developers who make 5 hour games filled with mindless and or repetitive and or nonexistent gameplay. Avoid mindless stories, avoid dumb characters, and avoid games that give you nothing special. And you can avoid all of that by playing this game. Thank you Konami, thank you Sony, thank you Hideo Kojima, for releasing such a wonderful game. THANK YOU.
Awarded "The Greatest Game of All Time"
Perfect 10/10 or 5/5