Metal gear solid 4 is one of the best games out there.Deep story telling,intense and the best action adventure game!
You play as Snake who is in Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2.Snake is an old man and has a disease which is killing him, he is called back to do one last mission! I don't want to spoile it for you but he has to stop his evil twin brother liquid snake who is also ocelot! The story may be out this world at some point but how it tells it is good, intense and sad at times (iam crying just telling you)!
The game play is good and with date with all the other games.The stuff you can do on MGS is clever and fun.Its easy to play, newcomers will have to play it for half an hour or less to get a grip of the controls.The boss fights are good and exciting.Most of the game you will be doing stealth, sneaking around killing.
There are a few points where you'll either be on a vehicle and shooting or piloting a giant robot which adds even more to the game play.
Even without an HD-TV I thought these were the greatest graphics I have ever seen on a game. You can see individual strands of hair, texture on lips, small wrinkles and details in clothing, and facial expressions are very convincing and realistic. Also a few cinema in the game mix real actors with CG which adds to the realism. The frame rate is perfect and I've never experienced a frame rate drop or any lag. The frame rate holds up especially good at points in the game where it is split-screen (one half game play and one half cinema). One thing is certain, and that is that this game is the furthest graphically then any other PS3 game period! 10 out of 10.
Very few games come close to being called perfect. This is one of the only games I think is utterly flawless.I played this game at least 20 times and completed it four times and i cant really see one wrong thing with this game.That's why iam saying that this game is the best game in the world!
Signing off PINZ