Groundbraking gameplay, stunning graphics & sound, over dramatic & lenghty story telling

User Rating: 9 | Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Platinum) PS3
First of all, i'm writing this review without having played the online version yet. if i do, i'll probably add to the review. I'm not a long time Metal Gear Solid fan, i probably played 2-3 of the games.

A big improvement compared to the earlier versions is the fact that the 1-2-1 combat gameplay has improved dramatically. This gives you the choice whether to take on a mission sneaking and staying away from enemies, or shooting your way through.
The graphics and sound are awesome. Shades and colours are very realistic. The music score and sounds provide a superb in-game feeling.
The change overs from movie cut-scenes to real gameplay are the smoothest ever seen in a game. Actually you don't even see the difference. Some of the cut scenes (e.g. Raiden vs. Vamp!!) are simply amazing.
MGS4 let's you play in very different settings. From jungle to country, to cities. The missions are different, but each time you're able to tackle them in different ways. The boss fights (about 7) are great, not too difficult, but still very satisfying.

The only downside are some of the movie cut scenes. I don't have any issue with merging video games and movies, but you need to make sure the movies are at the same level. Let's be honest, some of the dialogues are over dramatic and just too lengthy (yawn - yawn - skip - yawn - yawn).

But i'm not letting that last bit bring down the game. It's a must buy and together with GTA IV, for sure the best game of 2008 !!!