No. 1 PS3 Game. The best game in the World. Nothing can match MGS4 for over a decade. Even better than Uncharted 2 .
User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Platinum) PS3
Yes You are right. This is the best game in the world. This is an amazing game which gets you into it completely. You feel to be the actual Solid Snake. You feel like you are in the game. The story is addictive. I'v never played such an amazing game before. The story, the graphics, the gameplay all are outrageous. The cutscenes are rendered using in-game engine and both the game and cutscnes look unbelievably realistic. The character models are the best I've ever seen in any game. Here is my Score:-
Gameplay-9.9/10(Because the game is a bit Hard)
Fun Factor-10/10
Cell Utiilisation-10/10
Emotional Events-10/10
All over this game is a Masterpiece. Beats Uncharted 2 and God OF war 3 easily. This is the best game on PS3. No other game will be able to be better than this. KOJIMA ROCKSSS!!!!