Is there something that other gamers saw in this game i couldn't see?

User Rating: 7.5 | Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Platinum) PS3
Really, i don't get it. This game doesn't deserve 10! It is probably the most returned game to blockbuster and game stop for trade in, if you don't believe me go check it yourself. But anyway, I didn't like this game or i thought that this game doesn't deserve 10 for the following reasons; now you maybe asking why am i writing the review 6 months after being released, simply, i rented the game a week ago, played it for 2 hours and returned it the same day.
1) I didn't like the audio/sound of the weapons and the game
2) I don't know, was it just me that thought the enemy was dull at some situations, they were acting as if they just have finished smoking their ****.
3) Game play is boring, waited and waited and waited for things to change and get excited but got bored doing the something over/over/over again.
4) Multiplayer is a joke (the sound, movements and you have to spray the enemy with bullets to kill them) reminds me of my old games on the Sinclare, i mean really, after playing SOCOM you think i'm motivated to go online and play MGS4?

Now this game is not for me anyway, because i have tried splinter cell before and didn't like it, the above are my observation about the game during my play.