MGS4 is possibly one of the best games ever, not only in it's gameplay, but also how epic of an ending it was.

User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Platinum) PS3
In MGS4, you play as Old Snake (duh :P) This is Snake's last mission, and Konami made this one hell of a battle. The graphics are like none before, and gameplay is very smooth. Drebin, a new character to the series, is a neutral "friend". As Snake progresses, he'll come across ID locked weapons, which only Drebin can unlock (for a price). While some will say this ruins the stealth aspect of the game, players can really just skip the feature altogether. Whether it be buying ammo or weapons, this is a great addition to the gameplay. The story is pieced together perfectly, and ties up all ends to any possible questions anybody will have. As I finished the game, I felt terribly sad that it had to end. The only real flaw to this game is the online in my opinion. Setting up an account seems weird since you can't just use your PSN ID. But this will only take away about 15 minutes, but the online is, well, ok. MGS4 is by far my choice for Game of the Year, and possibly one of the best games I've EVER played. If you don't buy this and you own a PS3, you must really hate videogames. So do yourself a favor and buy this game, it is flawless, to say the least.