Metal Gear Solid 4 is everything it should have been and more.

User Rating: 9.5 | Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Platinum) PS3
Metal Gear Solid 4 is a perfection of the multi entertainment formula that it has been known for in its previous installments. The developers have perfected the gameplay while creating an ending to one of the greatest and longest storylines in video game history.

Metal Gear Solid 4 takes the player through a variety of areas all of which are shown in some of the most beautiful graphics of this generation if not the best. The story takes off and follows Old Snake on his final mission this creates an emotional attachment to Snake and pushes you through the game aching for the answers. The game finally stops asking questions and starts giving the player the answers they have been waiting for.

The gameplay makes both sneaking and gunplay a blast and equally rewarding. They have evolved on MGS3 camo by introducing octocamo which makes blending in to the environments easy and fun. The game also introduces for the first time a currency system with Drebin points, this allows the player to modify their weapons and unlock security codes placed on others that you pick up in combat.

The game has a combat heavy first half and a story driven second half and this throw off some people but that is the formula that MGS is known for and I felt it was a perfect blend combat and story. The boss fights are as good as the previous MGS installments and feel fresh but still make you think of the series most memorable battles.

This whole review is independent of Metal Gear Online which i have only just started to play and can not yet give a informed opinion.

Metal Gear Solid 4 is a must buy and is one of the best games available this generation.