This game is no game its a movie and though the story is good the gameplay is weak

User Rating: 4 | Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Platinum) PS3
I have not player a MGS game in ages but i remember them being slightly SLIGHTLY better than this game or movie as i should call it since heavy story telling is a key point in the franchise and especially with MGS4. The story is by far excellent and rather emotional. I like games with a good story but if that means taking away gameplay for hour long cut scenes its not worth it. The arsenal you get is very good and an action tone is also fun though you never really get to use a gun to its full potential. stealth is rather pointless because of the brain dead A.I witch was a key point in the past games. I love action games so I'm not bothered at all the designer s changed the feel of the game but if your going to add all this content in add more gameplay as well. multiplayer was pretty awesome though the best part of the game but since people never really play it i have no reason to ever pick this game up again.