Metal gear solid 4 review by waleedsmz. "Overrated"

User Rating: 9 | Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Platinum) PS3
First of all, the game is amazing. It has amazing graphics (which maybe the best graphics up till now). It attracts you to play through it. But it isn't perfect to take "10". It has no variety of gameplay to begin with. You keep doing the same things throughout the missions and also your movements are limited. After chapter 3 or so, the game becomes, boring! The story is extremely complicated, a beginner would take forever to fully understand it, plus, the videos in the game are truly annoying, you have to bear watching a video for 15 minutes or so! Plus if you try to escape those videos you won't be able to understand the story of the game! All what I've said is from my own experience of the game. I think the designers wrapped the game. I personally think that the game is "overrated" and it shouldn't have taken "10".