Metal Gear Solid 4, the only game to literally bring tears to my eyes. This is the swan song of Solid Snake.
I feel as though i can hang up my gaming fingers forever.
I'm sure i feel the same way Michael Jordan felt when he finished his career playing basketball, on top of the world. More championships than anyone, and making it happen, literally all by himself, with a force of sheer will power, and amazing bravery. To continue pushing against all odds, and complete the journey at the highest of peaks, on top of the world. A sense of fulfillment no one can strip from you, or say that you cannot have.
Hideo Kojima, Solid Snake, Raiden and Big Boss have taken me to places i never dreamed, and did it with the coolest moments in gaming history.
This may feel like im going to go on and on with this review, but i'll make it short: This is all i need in my life as far as gaming goes.
Nothing will ever come close to this and nothing will ever replace what the Metal Gear Solid series has done in my life.
Yes, to the casual gamer, i'm sure it sounds silly, and to the hardcore gamer, i'm sure they think i took WAY too long to finish this game.
And yes, i am silly, and i did take way too long to finish this great series. But, the thing is, ill never finish this series, and ill never lose sight of one thing. Metal Gear Solid is the greatest gaming franchise of all time.
My recommendation to anyone, is to play them all, and not in chronological order. In the order which they were released.
You won't regret it.